TechDev Project Funding


Initiated in 2024, the Instruct-ERIC Technology Development (TechDev) Call offers funding for pilot projects in technology development on specific topics.

Similar to the R&D Pilot Funding Scheme, the TechDev call provides funding for pilot projects. However, the aim of the TechDev call is to develop new technologies and methodologies which will become available at Instruct centres, and can then be accessed by integrated structural biology researchers worldwide.

The TechDev Call has now closed.


Application Process and Guidelines

Applicants must be resident in one of the Instruct member countries or working within an Instruct member intergovernmental organisation.

At the conclusion of a pilot study and within one year of the project start, the researcher must submit a progress report to the Instruct Executive Committee.

The study should be of limited scope and have well defined objectives. Ordinarily, a pilot study should be completed within one year.

The TechDev Call is aimed at researchers with a proven track record in technology and methods development.


2024 Call Topics

Topic 1: Sample preparation
Sample preparation technologies to improve methodologies for the synthesis of proteins, DNA or RNA for structural biology studies.

Topic 2: Data management
Management or analysis of data generated either by structural biology or computational methods that need to be represented by ensembles of biomolecular structures.