Service / Technology Instance

About Molecular Biophysics, RCaH, Harwell, UK

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The Research Complex at Harwell hosts the Biophysical Instruments Facility which houses a range of equipment for the analysis of the biophysical properties of molecules and their interactions. Techniques available include analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC), surface plasmon resonance (SPR), isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), dynamic and multi angle light scattering, flow induced dispersion analysis (FIDA), nano-differential scanning fluorimetry (nanoDSF) and stopped-flow spectroscopy. The instruments are available to both internal and external users, and to both academic and commercial organisations. The level of support from the facility is tailored to the requirements of each individual user, and ranges from instrument training through to full service work.

Service Availability:



Instruments Available:

Instruct Centre

Harwell Campus

Diamond Light Source

Harwell Science & Innovation Campus

OX11 0DE, Didcot

United Kingdom


Andrew Quigley
Andrew Quigley
Diamond Light Source Ltd
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Gemma Harris
Gemma Harris
Research Complex at Harwell
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