The center offers access for three-dimensional structure determination using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The centre has expertise in all aspects of single particle analysis from the automated acquisition of large data sets to image analysis.
The center offers access for three-dimensional structure determination using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM).The centre has expertise in all aspects of single particle analysis from the automated acquisition of large data sets to image analysis . We offer access to the the Glacios cryo-electron microscope which allows high-resolution SPA and CET automated data collection. Its FEG is usually tuned to 200keV. An automatic loading mechanism allows mounting twelve grids at a time. This microscope is equipped with two digital cameras: FEI Ceta-D and the direct electron detector GATAN K2
The center offers access for three-dimensional structure determination using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM).The centre has expertise in all aspects of single particle analysis from the automated acquisition of large data sets to image analysis . Access to the following instrumentation is provided: The Tecnai F20 is equipped with a FEG operated at 100keV or 200keV.
The center offers access for three-dimensional structure determination using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The centre has expertise in all aspects of single particle analysis from the automated acquisition of large data sets to image analysis . The Titan Krios cryo electron microscope is the latest generation electron microscope with capacities for high-resolution data collection for both Cryo Electron Tomography (CET) experiments and Single Particle Analysis (SPA) with automated data collection. The electron source is a Field Emission Gun (FEG) that can be operated at 80keV, 100keV, 200keV or 300keV. An automatic loading mechanism allows mounting twelve grids at a time.
The Titan 1 electron microscope is equipped with CMOS (FEI FALCON3 4K*4K and GATAN K3) high-sensitivity direct electron detector cameras, Cs corrector, phase plate and GIF.
The Titan 2 (G4) is equipped with Selectris X energy filters and Falcon 4i camera.
Access to the following instrumentation is provided: the Glacios cryo-electron microscope which allows high-resolution SPA and CET automated data collection and two Titan Krios cryo-electron microscopes with CMOS high-sensitivity direct electron detector camera. The Tecnai F20 is equipped with a FEG operated at 100keV or 200keV.
The Titan Krios is the latest generation electron microscope with capacities for high-resolution data collection for both Cryo Electron Tomography (CET) experiments and Single Particle Analysis (SPA) with automated data collection. The electron source is a Field Emission Gun (FEG) that can be operated at 80keV, 100keV, 200keV or 300keV. An automatic loading mechanism allows mounting twelve grids at a time.
The Titan 1 microscope is equipped with CMOS (FEI FALCON3 4K*4K and GATAN K3) high-sensitivity direct electron detector cameras, corrector CS, phase plate and GIF.
The Titan 2 microscope (G4) is equipped with Selectris X energy filters and Falcon 4i camera.
The Glacios cryo-electron microscope allows high-resolution SPA and CET automated data collection. Its FEG is usually tuned to 200keV. An automatic loading mechanism allows mounting twelve grids at a time. This microscope is equipped with two digital cameras: FEI Ceta-D and the direct electron detector GATAN K2
The Tecnai F20 is equipped with a FEG operated at 100keV or 200keV. Grids are mounted one at a time using a Gatan side-entry cryo-holder. This microscope is equipped with one digital camera (GATAN CCD 2K*2K "US10001"), it is used to collect data for cryo-SPA or room temperature electron tomography using a Fischion side-entry holder. Cryo-EM grids are flash-frozen in a temperature and humidity controlled environment using a Vitrobot system (FEI).
All the microscopes are equipped with digital cameras, images can be recorded as films and scan them with a high-resolution Heidelberger Druckmaschinen drum scanner (5 micron pixel size). When asking access for Titan or Glacios, please add to your proposal preliminary image of the sample in cryo condition.