This course is a part of the cryo-EM Wellcome/MRC training program tailored for PhD students and postdocs who wish to use single particle cryo-EM for their research but have very little or no prior experience in this method.
The aim of the course is to give a theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the entire cryo-EM single particle analysis workflow including negative stain TEM, cryo-EM sample preparation, cryo-EM screening and data collection using our Titan Krios microscopes, and an introductory overview of the data processing.
The course is limited to 12 participants, which are encouraged to send their protein samples or cryo-EM grids for testing, screening and potential data collection during the practical sessions. Samples should be delivered no later than September 6th.
We offer financial support for travel and accommodation to participants with limited access to funding. This support includes reimbursement of travel expenses up to £250, and accommodation for five nights in a budget hotel. Any expenses exceeding these amounts will need to be covered by the participants.
For the image processing each participant will be required to bring their own laptop and a mouse.