Instruct-ERIC Events

PDBe workshop: Making the most of PDB data with PDBe’s new graph database

Registration Date: 08-Nov-2019 to 01-Feb-2020
Date: 18-Feb-2020 to 21-Feb-2020

Contact: Marysa Chapman

Are you looking to use PDB data more effectively to answer complex scientific questions? Do you have experience of accessing data programmatically, but want to ask more complex questions? Then you will be interested in the EBI training workshop on accessing PDBe and PDBe-KB data using our new graph database.

This workshop covers the use of the PDBe graph database to extract data for solving complex structural biology queries. It will introduce the PDBe graph database and how to write Cypher queries to retrieve data of interest. Workshop participants will be able to use the graph database to explore data relevant to their own research with support and guidance from the development team at PDBe.

Researchers should submit a 200-word abstract when they apply that describes their work and potential queries related to PDB data. This should include details on how PDB data has been accessed previously and the types of questions trying to be answered.

For more information and to register, please click here.



European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge, United Kingdom

PDBe workshop: Making the most of PDB data with PDBe’s new graph database