Instruct-ERIC Events

Instruct-EL Structural Biology Symposium

Date: 01-Oct-2024


The Instruct-EL Structural Biology Symposium is an opportunity for researchers in Greece to experience the opportunities available to them as a member of Instruct-ERIC.

Hosted by the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) on 1 October, the symposium will feature speakers from across the Instruct consortium, as well as a variety of speakers based in Greece.

Researchers, policy-makers, and funders are all welcome to attend, to see first-hand the services provided by Instruct-ERIC, and discover the benefits of democratised access to advanced structural biology services.

Registration will open soon.


Confirmed speakers include:

  • Harald Schwalbe - Instruct-ERIC Director
  • Sarah Butcher - Instruct-ERIC Council Chair; University of Helsinki
  • Evangelia Chrysina - Instruct-EL
  • Lucia Banci - CERM/CIRMMP, Florence
  • Matthias Wilmanns - EMBL-Hamburg
  • Jose Maria Carazo - CNB-CSIC, Madrid
  • Prof. Kostas Bethanis, Agricultural University of Athens
  • Prof. Georgios Spyroulias, University of Patras
  • Dr Emmanuel Saridakis, National Centre for Scientific Research
  • Prof. Dimitris Leonidas, University of Thessaly
  • Dr Maria Dimarogona, University of Patras
  • Prof. Dimitris Hatzinikolaou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Dr Spyros Zographos, Institute of Chemical Biology, NHRF
  • Dr Panagiotis Kastritis, Institute of Chemical Biology, NHRF