The field of computational structural biology is undergoing a revolution. AlphaFold, a program based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), has transformed the structural modeling of proteins and protein complexes by reaching accuracy similar to experimental structures. Over 200 million structural models have already been released in AlphaFold Database. Following AlphaFold, other protein modeling programs proliferated from researchers worldwide. AI has started advancing RNA modeling too. The wealth of protein models has sparked an explosion of new tools for structural analysis and structure-based function assignment. Scientists from other fields, such as system biology, incorporate AI-based structure prediction in their pipelines. In parallel, molecular dynamics simulations push the limits of accuracy and size of what can be simulated. Protein and drug design are being transformed thanks to new geometric AI methods and the availability of structural models for almost any drug target.
With this “Cambrian explosion” of computational structural biology, this event aims to become a so-far missing major dedicated conference. Our conference will update on the impact of AI-based structure prediction, provide a forum to present new methods and applications, build a wider community by integrating the new scientists now massively joining the field, and open a platform to discuss future directions and opportunities.
Find out more about the workshop and register here.
Session topics
Alexandre Bonvin of the Bijvoet Centre at Utrecht University will be one of the speakers at the course.